Rescue Party
November 21, 2021
- Athyra (Tiefling Rogue) – Rachel
- Murky Waters (Lizardfolk Druid) – Ross
- Raksha Abayaantrix (Tabaxi Warlock) – Miles
- Venyk (Half-Elf Rogue) – Jeremy
- Zedicus Cypher (Dragonborn Fighter) – Jacquelyn
A quiet night at Quester’s Table Inn and Tavern was shaken up when the owner’s son slipped down into the sewers and was carried off by undead. The five adventurers who happened to be in the bar headed down below to rescue the boy from a gang of zombies led by a ghoul.

The boy was saved and the heroes found some treasure, most notably a Bag of Holding containing a large Copper Dragon egg and a note saying the egg was to be delivered to a Druid. Although the options of eating it and absorbing its power or of selling it outright to a wizard for a fortune were discussed, the adventurers decided to band together and deliver it as proscribed.
And so the fellowship was formed.