Hit the Road
December 12, 2021
- Athyra (Tiefling Rogue) – Holly
- Murky Waters (Lizardfolk Druid) – Ross
- Raksha Abayaantrix (Tabaxi Warlock) – Miles
- Venyk (Half-Elf Sorcerer) – Mark
- Zedicus Cypher (Dragonborn Fighter) – Jacquelyn
The adventuring party bought horses and rode out from Primovia heading east. After a few days, they had reached the town of Dyriibas where they heard tell of goblins waylaying travelers in the forest.

The party met the villains on the road and the combat went well for them, with seven goblins dead and the rest driven off. Although they were heroes, the party was marred by a lack of charisma all around and their stay in Dyriibas was very short.
On the road again the next day, Zedicus spotted a broken tower downriver from where they had battled the goblins. Investigating, the party found a slimy dungeon full of dangerous oozes and a pair of Mimics. After withdrawing, the adventurers made camp at sunset in the ruins.