To the Skyrealms
June 17, 2023
The Party
- Gilbert Fezziwig (Gnome Artificer) – Mark M.
- Maran Maraka (Half-Elf Bard) – Mark C.
- Nihil (Dragonborn Monk) – Kasey
- Rosetta Stone (Human Cleric) – NPC
- Zabrina (Tiefling Warlock) – Natasha
Come morning, Maran and Nihl found Villitch had also vanished along with his belongings, including the Decahedron. Unnerved by these disappearances, the pair headed for the university to consult a sage, but the only thing they learned was that the Decahedron cannot be transported to any other planes.
As Nihl went off to meditate, Maran returned to the Friendly Goblin and came face-to-face with Meddevin whom the party had crossed in the Inverted World. He told the bard that he had come looking for the party this morning and accessed Villitch’s room to find no trace of the man, but the Decahedron was lying out in the middle of the floor. Scooping it up, Meddevin was impressed by their ability to steal it in the first place and, even though they had momentarily kept it for themselves, he decided to offer them a dungeon-delving job.
Not long after Meddevin left, on the promise to return that evening for the party’s answer, Gilbert, Rosetta and Zabrina appeared in the street in front of the Friendly Goblin just as Maran, Nihil and Villitch had the day before, at the exact same hour, with no sense that any time had passed.

Save for Villitch, the party was reunited and they decided that they should tell Meddevin that they were responsible for the death of his son before they hear his offer. He would surely figure it out sooner or later, and they didn’t want to appear to be hiding anything. Upon learning, the wizard apparently harboured no ill will toward them for he had disowned Garisul for his pursuit of the Black Magic Ritual that turns men into Orcs.
Instead, Meddevin wanted them to search a trap-filled dungeon in the Skyrealms for a magical urn. Any other treasure was theirs to keep, and, after accepting, he teleported the party to his home, Pelifree, miles above the clouds of Alamayne. There they enjoyed the hospitality extended to friends of the resident wizard, with Maran performing his bard’s tales to enrapt audiences.
After a good night’s rest at Nora’s Charm, the flower-laden tavern and inn, the adventurers set forth on their magic carpet according to Meddevin’s directions. After two more days, they reached the skyland they were looking for, made infamous by the Chimera which roosted there until the heroes drove it away.

Inside the Chimera’s cave they found the entrance to the dungeon at the far side of a long bridge spanning a bottomless chasm. While crossing the expanse, the party had to fight off Shadows and a Banshee, but they made it across alive.