Anti-Paladin and Dragon
- Lord Gazande (Gold Dragonborn Paladin) – Talin
- Mernpool: Monster Hunter (Human Ranger) – Che
- Raz (Elf Rogue) – Natasha
- Rhodedendron the Flamboyant (Gnome Bard) – Alexia
- Seran (Human Monk) – Jeremy
- Zeex (Half-Orc Barbarian) – Bryan

July 6, 2019
Lord Gazande settled into his new role as Lord of Tazir by making Mernpool his new sergeant, but running a village proved to be tiringly mundane. And then, from out of the deep desert, a young Blue Dragon came with a party of Orcs and Goblins led by Skavonek, an Anti-Paladin. All of them were intent on destroying the village.

The Goblins dumped out a bag of bones which animated into Skeletons to swell their ranks while Raz took to the air on her magic carpet, shooting arrows to draw the over-eager young wyrm off after it killed Seran. Eventually, after a protracted chase through the air, the Elf succeeded in slaying the Dragon.

Supported by Rhodedendron’s songs and spells, Lord Gazande and Zeex fought side-by-side against Skavonek and his Evil company. Both sides wore each other down until it was Raz, flying back from slaying the Dragon, who killed the Anti-Paladin with one good shot and the rest fled back into the desert.
In the aftermath, Seran and Zeex lay dead. Raz flew to Omosa to report the events to Duke Alcibes while Lord Gazande started putting his village in order.