Round 16

Giant Problems

April 21, 2024

The Party

  • Akram (Elf Rogue) – Mark
  • Nihl (Dragonborn Monk) – Kasey
  • Rosetta Stone (Human Cleric) – Sarah
  • The Dude (Human Fighter) – Jake

As the trio of Akram, Nihl and The Dude rested atop the pyramid, Rosetta re-appeared in their midst with no sense of lost time. The reunited party made for the nearest town, Serim, arriving just as the gates were closing for the night.

The next morning they met Harkin and carried on up the mountain road to reach the mining town of Bariat by sundown. At dawn the next day, Harkin led the adventurers up the slopes of Mount Zova to his favourite spot for catching Kobolds.

Hunting Kobolds with Harkin

After a couple days of stake-out, the party succeeded in capturing six of them. Harkin was keen to return to the city but the party persuaded him to stay and catch more. At the end of the next day, they were attacked by the Frost Giants Ymurl and Ylgur along with their pet Remorhaz.

The Frost Giants Ylgur and Ymurl

In a shocking twist, Harkin proved to be in league with the giants and attacked The Dude before Nihl could knock him out. The frost worm was slain, but Akram ended up in one of the giant’s bags, barely escaping in time to join the party as Nihl used the Decahedron of the Realms to teleport them all back to Bariat.

Round 17: Mine of Monsters