Round 17

The Party

  • Akram (Elf Rogue) – Mark
  • Nihl (Dragonborn Monk) – Kasey
  • Rosetta Stone (Human Cleric) – Sara
  • The Dude (Human Fighter) – Jake

Mine of Monsters

May 26, 2024

After arriving via portal in an empty guest-room at the Gold Mine Inn, the bruised and battered party could hear a raucous party going on downstairs in the tavern celebrating the first day of the new month. The Dude went down to arrange for rooms for the night and drew a lot of attention for his bloodied and weathered condition.

After letting slip that the party had been betrayed by Harkin and barely escaped a fight with the Frost Giants, the townsfolk began to panic at the prospect of being flattened when Ymurl and Ylgur inevitably come to vent their fury. Mr. Merrister, the innkeeper, urged the party to offer themselves up to the giants at the town’s sacrificial altar.

Merrister also told them about the abandoned mine which, years ago, claimed the adventurer Montosa the Mighty, famous for his magical potion bottle of giant-strength. If the party could brave the danger and retrieve that bottle, they could fight as equals against the Frost Giants.

In the morning, the party was questioned by High Priest Cyrus, the town’s Inquisitor, who seemed satisfied when they volunteered to go to Altar Point and await the giants, promising to vanquish them and free the town from their tyranny. This satisfied the Inquisitor who ordered the signal bonfires to be lit, letting the giants know that the town had a sacrifice for them.

In the meantime, the party ventured into the abandoned mine and overcame Giant Spiders and Hook Horrors in a battle that they nearly lost. They pulled through, however, and won the treasure, emerging from the mine before mid-day.

Round 18: More Giant Problems