Round 18

The Party

  • Akram (Elf Rogue) – Mark
  • Nihl (Dragonborn Monk) – Kasey
  • Rosetta Stone (Human Cleric) – NPC
  • The Dude (Human Fighter) – Jake
  • Wyll Wadyne (Human Wizard) – Martin

More Giant Problems

July 7, 2024

As the adventurers exited the mine where they had won the Replenishable Potion Bottle of Strength, Nihl suddenly reappeared. He was brought up to speed on the magical flask and what it took to get it.

Back at the Gold Mine Tavern and Inn, the adventurers were hailed as heroes for vanquishing the monsters that had made the town abandon the mine. The crowd of interested townsfolk grew with the passing of the day, as did their optimism that the adventurers could indeed deliver on their promise to slay the Frost Giants.

It was past noon when a mysterious traveler calling himself Cairo entered from the heavy snowfall outside. He made their acquaintance and offered to help them against the giants, later revealing himself to in fact be a Wizard named Wyll Wadyne as the party staked out Altar Point.

He proved his value early by banishing one giant right at the start, causing the other to flee. When the banished one returned it was swiftly killed by the combined efforts of the adventurers and Nihl took its eyes and ears as trophies before the corpse was left behind in the gathering snow.

The Frost Giant Ylgur didn’t stand a chance alone

Patting themselves on the back for having the job half in the bag, the party was surprised to find the mood of the town so negative. The people feared the wrath of a bereaved Frost Giant roaming the countryside seeking vengeance for its fallen brother. The feeling only got worse the more the party argued and they ultimately had to flee town to avoid being lynched!

After spending the night in a magical shelter provided by Wyll, the party used the Decahedron of the Realms to reach the upper slopes of Mount Zova where the Kobold caves could be found, saving themselves a day’s climb in doing so. The Kobolds recognized Nihl not only as one of the “kind ones” from Harkin’s hunting party but also, as a Dragonborn, their liege. Combined with Rosetta’s devotion to the Cult of the Dragon, the party was welcomed and shown the way to the steam chute into which the Kobolds send their offerings to Zovatora.

One by one, the heroes slid down the dark wet tunnel onto a cliff overlooking a cave thick with steam that made it impossible to see beyond ten feet. Here and there the flat tops of rock columns offered places to stand amidst the precipitous drop into deadly hot springs below but the party used their powers of flight and levitation to make their way across until they found themselves entangled by a Roper and menaced by Steam Mephits.

The Roper

The monsters were dispatched and the heroes passed through the cavern into a tunnel curving off toward an orange glow from which emanated the most powerful heat.

Round 19: Dragon’s Den