In the Dungeon
August 12, 2023
The Party
- Gilbert Fezziwig (Gnome Artificer) – Mark M.
- Maran Maraka (Half-Elf Bard) – Mark C.
- Nihl (Dragonborn Monk) – Kasey
- Rosetta Stone (Human Cleric) – NPC
- Villitch Von Velckha (Aasimar Paladin) – Ross
Standing at the door to the dungeon, the party noticed Zabrina had vanished, replaced by Villitch. The paladin had no recollection of the days he had been missing and there was no clue as to where Zabrina had gone.

The party ventured into the dungeon which turned out to be a labyrinth patrolled by Gelatinous Cubes. Each time one was destroyed, Wraiths would be summoned from a magical portal to the Negative Material Plane found in another chamber.

When Nihl tossed a silver coin into the archway, the party was attacked by four wraiths and Maran was killed only to be raised as a Specter to turn against his friends. The party defeated the undead and decided to withdraw for a long rest, making their way back to the chimera’s cave as night was falling.