The Isle of Cats
May 14, 2022
- Antonio (Tiefling Hexblade) – Mark
- Athyra (Tiefling Rogue) – Katherine
- Murky Waters (Lizardfolk Druid) – Ross
- Zedicus Cypher (Dragonborn Fighter) – Jacquelyn
- Zippideedoodah Dibbler (Tinker Gnome Artificer) – Paul
The adventurers dove into the Aquaportal and swam 30 feet to another pool which was occupied by a boat. Emerging from the water, they found a pyramid identical to the one they had left and a group of villains atop it trying to sacrifice a Gnome to a Green Dragon circling overhead.

After dispatching the bad guys and driving off the dragon, the party met Zippideedoodah Dibbler, Tinker Gnome Artificer from the Skyrealms who, like them, was also on the search for the Sphinx of Baxia until he was double crossed by the men who brought him here.
The next day, Zip joined the party. The boat the villains had arrived by was actually a skyship and they had a map showing the locations of portals to nearly two dozen other planes of existence on the island. The Gnome was able to pilot the craft into the sky and they sailed for the Aerie of the Sphinx. Attacks by Griffons and a Liondrake welcomed them, but they soon spotted the stairs they needed to climb to the cloud-shrouded peak of the mountain.