Coraday 1: Sir Gazande, Raz, Rhodedendron, Seran and Zeex come together in Saddoon.
Noraday 2: Party tracks down gypsy-cultists and rescue 3 of 5 kids; find Ur-Chess set in cultists’ treasure.
Doraday 3: Travel through jungle.
Miraday 4: Return to Saddoon as heroes.
Maraday 5: Party journeys to Tazir; hired to track down and kill cultists.
Faraday 6: Travel through jungle.
Saraday 7: Party reaches pyramid, defeat cultists.
Coraday 8: Investigate pyramid, then leave for town.
Noraday 9: Reach Tazir by sunset; fight and kill Lord Biram Tazir: Gazande becomes new lord of Tazir.
Doraday 10: Travel to Saddoon.
Miraday 11: Travel to Karbad.
Maraday 12: Travel to Omosa; Gazande meets Duke Alcibes.
Faraday 13: Travel to Karbad.
Saraday 14: Search for the land-shark.
Coraday 15: First fight with the land-shark; zombies attack Karbad; Mernpool joins the adventuring party.
Noraday 16: Defeat the land-shark; return to Omosa as heroes.
Doraday 17: Gazande has heraldic banners made for his new title.
Miraday 18: Festival day – Gazande officially made Lord of Tazir.
Maraday 19: Travel to Karbad.
Faraday 20: Travel to Saddoon.
Saraday 21: Travel to Tazir; find former lord Biram’s secret treasure vault.
Coraday 22: Blue Dragon and Anti-Paladin attack Tazir.
Noraday 23: Raz flies to Omosa on her magic carpet; Gazande mounts dragon skull over the door to his tower.
Doraday 24: Raz flies to Karbad.
Miraday 25: Raz returns to Tazir; Feti and Goralin join party.
Maraday 26: Mernpool goes hunting in jungle, gets attacked by babboons.
Faraday 27: Party heads into the jungle; Gloucester joins party.
Saraday 28: Reach pyramid; Raz loses her magic carpet.
Coraday 29: Gazande and Goralin killed inside pyramid.
Noraday 30: Party leaves pyramid.
The Month of Hyra
Doraday 1: Arrive in Tazir; lie about Gazande’s fate; steal treasure and leave under cover of night.
Miraday 2: Pass through Saddoon and reach Qarlim by sunset.
Maraday 3: Travel to Arbila.
Faraday 4: Pass through Amanak and reach Galom by sunset.
Saraday 5: Travel to Jarona.
Coraday 6: Pass through Payad and reach Laget by sunset.
Noraday 7: Pass through Fid and reach Bendajee by sunset; Sargael and Boralin hire party.
Doraday 8: Set sail aboard Dawn Sailor.
Miraday 9: Dock in Port Sojeth.
Maraday 10: Sailing.
Faraday 11: Dock in Port Tarayad.
Saraday 12: Set sail aboard Dollateer.
Coraday 13: Party rows to shores of Weeping Isles; fight Red and Blue and Green Slaad monsters.
Noraday 14: Feti uses Staff of Healing to cleanse party members of Slaad eggs.
Doraday 15: Set sail aboard Dollateer.
Miraday 16: Dock in Port Tarayad.
Maraday 17: Set sail aboard Lakestrider.
Faraday 18 to Coraday 20: Sailing.
Noraday 21: Dock in Bendajee.
Doraday 22: Party confronted by knights out for their arrest; escape into streets; meet Jackerel who portals them to a jungle hundreds of miles away.
Miraday 23: Rhodedendron retires to Elfland; party gets in boat and sails away from island; arrive in Kilali to see human sacrifice to wyvern; Mernpool intervenes and killed by Boralin; party flees and kills Boralin; sail into fog; find island where they meet Naliyi, Formosa and William.
Maraday 24: Party finds door; fight guardian Canoloth; reach Infinite Staircase; investigate hellish castle; fight Mezzoloths on Staircase; rest til sunset; return to Bendajee via magic door; meet Juan de los Aguilars; fight snake cult and hydra; Formosa and Gloucester go through portal to Yuan-Ti hatchery; Formosa killed; Gloucester meets Sultana Marid who portals him back to Bendajee; army of thugs attacks party in Golden Goose Inn; Feti, William and Sargael killed; survivors escape into night streets.
Faraday 25: Scattered party members depart city; Juan and Gloucester find Raz on the roadside; Naliyi captured by Charna Khan and made to hunt down party with wizard Malloj; party reaches Ginn.
Saraday 26: Travel to Temva; Slithering Tracker killed.
Coraday 27: Travel to Magoska.
Noraday 28: Naliyi, Malloj and bandits attack party on road; Naliyi turns on bandits and rejoins party; travel to Tandipoor.
Doraday 29: Day of rest.
Miraday 30: Travel to Sadran; meet Theren.
The Month of Kibelle
Maraday 1: ZyastanMora joins party; meet Salbrizaar; fight Hill Giant and Werewolves; Theren guides party to the top of Mt. Zebas.
Faraday 2: Giant dismembered and offered to Roc which relocates to another mountain after party tries mounting it; werewolves attack at night; Gloucester sacrifices himself to save Raz and Salbrizaar; Theren ferries everyone to other mountain so party can climb aboard Roc while it is asleep.
Saraday 3: Fly with Roc to Spire; fight Cloud Giant; Kaamber swoops in to help, joins party.
Coraday 4: Sultana Marid returns to Spire and rewards party; Raz gives Marid the Ur-Chess set.
Noraday 5: Day of rest in the Coral Palace of Sultana Marid.
Doraday 6: Set sail aboard Black Acacia.
Miraday 7 to Faraday 24: Sailing.
Saraday 25: Dock at Sapphire Eaves.
Coraday 26 to Maraday 30: Shore leave during repairs to Black Acacia.
The Month of Mati-Mali
Faraday 1 to Coraday 3: Shore leave.
Noraday 4: Set sail aboard Black Acacia after Konnifer joins party.
Doraday 5 to Doraday 12: Sailing.
Miraday 13: Dock at Cascaveda.
Maraday 14: Getting to know the city.
Faraday 15: Kaamber puts Black Acacia into drydock for repairs; others visit O’Blessed’s Book Emporium.
Saraday 16: Salbrizaar escapes O’Blesseds on second visit; Kaamber gets giant’s skull cleaned and mounted on Black Acacia’s prow; Konnifer makes secret deal.
Coraday 17: Captain Dabuke hires party for salvage mission; Raz gets a make-over.
Noraday 18: Set sail aboard Veiled Rebecca.
Doraday 19: Party lowered to mountaintop; Konnifer teleports back to O’Blesseds with Salbrizaar who escapes but is then killed by Konnifer; party kills Frost Giant and White Dragon before Theren departs on broom to get help; Kaamber, Raz, Naliyi and Mora fight yetis.
Miraday 20: Theren reaches Cascaveda; Konnifer lures him into a trap but he escapes and she looks for passage out of Cascaveda; party on mountaintop attacked by yetis which kill Naliyi and Mora.
Maraday 21: Theren tries in vain to find another skyboat to rescue the party but no dice; Raz and Kaamber surviving on the mountaintop.
Faraday 22: Black Acacia ready but crew don’t want to do the rescue and Theren blocks them from skyboat; they find Konnifer and ask for help; she kills Theren and takes possession of Black Acacia, dismissing crew; Raz and Kaamber fight wolves on the mountain.
Saraday 23: Konnifer hires her new crew; Raz and Kaamber dodge giants all day.
Coraday 24: Konnifer sets sail on rescue mission; Raz and Kaamber surviving.
Noraday 25: Raz and Kaamber fight Frost Giant and Winter Wolves, saved by Yara Goodleaf; Konnifer sailing.
Doraday 26: Konnifer rescues Raz, Kaamber and Yara; head back to Cascaveda.
Miraday 27: Sailing.
Maraday 28: Dock at Cascaveda; meet Ramona Geminov and Petrika Briasa who join party.
Faraday 29 to Saraday 30: Set sail aboard Black Acacia.
The Month of Pethamor
Coraday 1 to Faraday 6: Sailing.
Saraday 7: Find Vortex of Worlds; fight Stirges.
Coraday 8: Konnifer makes deal with Princess Chasme to get party to Pocket Plane of Grimanski; fight Gorgons; dungeon traps kill Yara and Petrika; survivors reach portal and return to Sultana Marid who gives them a new quest.
Noraday 9 to Faraday 14: Party members boost ability scores from their manuals.
Saraday 15: Sultana Marid portals the party to Lake Pakina in Kuth; meet Diomedes who partners with them to hunt down Sir Robb and The Hood and their band of Jolly Dodgers.
Coraday 16: Travel by ferry from Pakina City to Menzobritz.
Noraday 17: Diomedes fights Ramona’s skeletons; party tracks down gnolls.
Doraday 18: Meet Chip the Vagabond outside Targaton.
Miraday 19: First encounter with The Hod and Awaj warriors.
Maraday 20: Kaamber and Raz meet The Hood but interview goes badly; Konnifer and Ramona kill four teenagers; Konnifer leaves party; Korgrid offers a team-up but party rejects him.
Faraday 21: Depart town of Akamil to head upriver.
Saraday 22: Find giant’s cave and dead gnolls; foil demon summoning.
Coraday 23: Meet Sir Robb; foil lizardfolk ceremony and talk to Azakata the Copper Dragon.
Noraday 24: Sir Robb and Ramona fight over use of necromancy; party fights Red Knight; defeat red dragon in its lair and rest.
Doraday 25: Party reaches the Gates of Tamburien; go through door to Mira; fight demons; Diega joins party; rescue Ki-Rin; Sir Robb and Diomedes leave the party while Raz, Kaamber and Ramona join Diega on her quest.
Miraday 26: Ki-Rin plane shifted the party to the Firepeak Range of Kamanora; spot Vogradopolis and head toward it.
Maraday 27: Attacked by Remorhaz and Frost Giant; continue toward city.
Faraday 28: Reach Vogradopolis and gain access to city for an audience with King Rogmar; join Agariacus and Aspasia to hunt down escaped Dwarf slaves including Prince Murdin.
Saraday 29: Party fights its way through Caves of Doom; Ramona finds Amulet of Necromancy.
Coraday 30: Mushroom Groves.
The Month of Tanetar
Noraday 1: Ramona uses Amulet of Necromancy, turning Evil and aging 20 years as a result; fight Dwarf heroes who rescued Prince Murdin, killing the paladin and cleric, but the Dwarves ultimately get away; party becomes lost in the Underdark; Ramona contacts her father for help.
Doraday 2: Party waits.
Maraday 3: Jackerel’s door appears; Aquarius and Prince Ceril Binomenel join party; Ceril wins Ur-Chess from Sultana Marid in the game of his life; party gives it to Jackerel who then takes Ramona to The Wedding of the Damned before midnight….