Epic Campaign Spanning Two and a Half Years

The Zenobia campaign will forever be one of my all-time favourite D&D campaigns. It began in 2019 with friends I had made in the film and tv industry. This wildly imaginative bunch expanded and shrank over the time we played which included taking it from the tabletop to the online realm when covid struck. Adventures ranged from the backwoods to the Skyrealms to one of Hyracanum’s moons with stops in other planes along the way. It inspired me to re-create them with an illustrated photo-history which I have gone on to apply to all my campaigns.
The Players
- Alexia – Rhodedendron the Flamboyant, Naliyi
- Bryan – Zeex, Feti Granglow, Captain Kaamber Beltroth
- Che – Mernpool “Monster Hunter”, William Talltale, Salbrizaar, Patrika Briasa, Diega
- Jeremy – Seran, Goralin, Boralin, Juan de los Aguilars, Aquarius
- Lotta – Formosa, Zyastan Mora, Yara Goodleaf, Diomedes, Aspasia, Noailles
- Mark – Agariacus, Prince Ceril
- Miles – Gloucester, Professor J. Konnifer
- Natasha – Raz
Campaign History
- Chapter One: Come Together
- Chapter Two: Lord of the Manor
- Chapter Three: The Land Shark, Part One
- Chapter Four: The Land Shark, Part Two
- Chapter Five: Anti-Paladin and Dragon
- Chapter Six: Pyramid of Death
- Chapter Seven: Mysterious Island
- Chapter Eight: Monsters from the Outer Planes
- Chapter Nine: The Long Arm of the Law
- Chapter Ten: Good Versus Evil
- Chapter Eleven: Lost in the Fog
- Chapter Twelve: The Infinite Staircase
- Chapter Thirteen: Return to Bendajee
- Chapter Fourteen: The Sultana Marid
- Chapter Fifteen: An Army of Thugs
- Chapter Sixteen: Flight of the Roc
- Chapter Seventeen: The Giant and the Genie
- Chapter Eighteen: Sailing the Skies
- Chapter Nineteen: Bookshop of Horrors
- Chapter Twenty: Monster Mountain
- Chapter Twenty-One: A Party Divided, Part One
- Chapter Twenty-Two: A Party Divided, Part Two
- Chapter Twenty-Three: The Vortex of Worlds
- Chapter Twenty-Four: The Pocket Plane of Grimanski
- Chapter Twenty-Five: Wizard’s Vault
- Chapter Twenty-Six: Bounty Hunting
- Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Change of Heart
- Chapter Twenty-Eight: Into the Wild
- Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sir Robb
- Chapter Thirty: Dragonfight
- Chapter Thirty-One: To the Moon
- Chapter Thirty-Two: The Firepeak Range
- Chapter Thirty-Three: Undermountain City
- Chapter Thirty-Four: Evil Versus Good
- Chapter Thirty-Five: Lost in the Underdark
- Chapter Thirty-Six: The Sultana’s Gambit
- Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Wedding of the Damned
The southeast quarter of Hyracanum is home to some of its most ancient civilizations. Over the past thousand years, the regional powers have been loosely amalgamated as the Empire of Zenobia, so named after the two thousand year-old Gold Dragon who resides atop the Aqualith that dominates the Zenobi Mountains. However, the Empire of Gold is in deep decline and splintering, with many of its independent kingdoms hardly giving the Imperium the recognition and respect it deserves.

These days the authority of the Empire has withered to the core that is was founded upon, which is a fellowship of paladins who patrol the realm forever offering aid to those who need it. These Samaritan Knights of Zenobi, though rare in the extreme, are always sterling examples of Lawful Good virtue as befits the Dragon Emperor they represent. They operate out of two citadels: one in the Zenobi Mountains, the other built on a floating skyland that moves around the Empire according to the winds. The Samaritan Knights are able to telepathically communicate with one another during meditation and this network is how the overall security of the Empire is maintained.

The lands of Zenobia are many and varied, covering thousands of miles of tropical and sub-tropical countryside and islands. The northern frontier is lost to the Equatorial Desert and its westward reach is blocked by the southern arms of the Central Mountains. The temperate lands to the south have always resisted assimilation.