Monsters from the Outer Planes
- Boralin (Silver Dragonborn Fighter) – Jeremy
- Feti Granglow (Half-Elf Sorcerer) – Bryan
- Gloucester (Human Sorcerer) – Miles
- Mernpool: Monster Hunter (Human Ranger) – Che
- Raz (Elf Rogue) – Natasha
- Rhodedendron the Flamboyant (Gnome Bard) – Alexia
- Sargael (Tiefling Wizard) – Talin

September 28, 2019
Continuing their search of the island for the wizard-thief, the party ventured inland where they found him, living in a treehouse guarded by a Blue Slaad. As the party fought the monster, the thief transformed into a Green Slaad.

The adventurers fought and won, with the remains of the enemy dissolving into nothing. They secured some treasure including a journal that detailed how the thief came here and his ultimate fate, wounded by the Blue Slaad and cursed to become a Green Slaad.

After cleansing and de-cursing their wounds, the party sailed back to Bendajee. Sargael studied the Chess set and discovered it to be the Ur-Chess, an artifact created by dragons millennia ago. When played against a legendary creature such as a dragon, the winner will be granted a wish, but to lose means instant death.