Up the Xanthium River
- Darius (Human Wizard) – Ted
- Ranger (Human Ranger) – Paul
- Rayden (Dragonborn Druid) – Tyler
- Scheff (Half-Elf Bard) – Dusty
- Shuni Gryagur (Half-Orc Barbarian) – Alexia
- Zabrina (Tiefling Warlock) – Natasha

December 27, 2018
Docking at the next available town so the captain could make a report, the adventurers took up rooms at a local inn where they met three more adventurers: Half-Orc Barbarian Shuni, the handsome Half-Elf Bard Scheff and the mysterious Human Ranger with no name.

The next day, fellow passenger Suneel Sarjeetha offered Zabrina the same job he had offered Leroy before he died: protecting him on his way to inherit an estate outside of Gazeera. The contract was put to the test when a dragon cult boarded the ship and sent up smoke signals to attract a pair of Blue Wyrmlings, all of which were repelled by the party.

Finally, after eight days of travel, the River Galley reached Gazeera, City of Evil.