Flesh Market Square
- Darius (Human Wizard) – Ted
- Ranger (Human Ranger) – Paul
- Rayden (Dragonborn Druid) – Tyler
- Scheff (Half-Elf Bard) – Dusty
- Shuni Gryagur (half-Orc Barbarian) – Alexia
- Zabrina (Tiefling Warlock) – Nartasha

February 10, 2019
The Torture Festival is a weekly liquidation of slaves that have gone unsold over the previous six days. Held in Flesh Market Square, it is a carnival of unrivalled sadism where anyone can do anything to any slave for bargain prices and blood runs thick in the streets.
Being of Good Alignment, Darius, Ranger and Scheff stayed away, but Rayden, Zabrina and Shuni were Neutral and had no such qualms, with the Half-Orc even going so far as to have a necklace made from the teeth she ripped out of the mouth of a slave for a few coins.

Come nightfall, long after Flesh Market Square was deserted, the adventurers made their way to the center of the plaza and moved the grate enough to drop a rope in. They descend into the sewers for a second time, now armed with plague masks to protect them from the sickening stench.

At the bottom, the party was welcomed with an attack by gangs of Ghouls in the knee-deep filthy water. After defeating them, the adventurers took a short rest.