The Druid and the Dragon Egg
March 12, 2022
- Antonio (Tiefling Hexblade) – Mark
- Athyra (Tiefling Rogue) – Paul
- Murky Waters (Lizardfolk Druid) – Ross
- Venyk (Human Sorcerer) – Jeremy
- Zedicus Cypher (Dragonborn Fighter) – Jacquelyn
The party was met by Brother Sibal who told them that the original Vargouille which they needed to kill was taking roost in the Bell Tower of the castle. Kill it before nightfall and the curse would be lifted from the townsfolk and Venyk.
At about that time, a Tiefling walked in carrying a black greatsword. This Antonio was known for fighting against the crusaders from Oropa in the north. Nevertheless, he and Athyra had to overcome the racism of the castle steward to be admitted to the Bell Tower where they killed the original Vargouille.
The adventurers were hailed as heroes and enjoyed the warm reception of the town as cursed family members slowly regained their natural forms. Venyk returned to normal, too, but the whole ordeal had been too much for him and he chose to leave the party. By sundown, the new Baron arrived to take up residence, but he could only offer the party a Letter of Marque as a reward.
Moving on east, when they arrived in the town of Nikril, the party learned breaking news of the sack of Tebelik by Orc armies. Aided by “magical fire from the east”, the enemy had conquered the city in a single day. When the adventurers inquired about where to find Salabima the Druid, they were advised to seek her in the Taronid River valley.
Leaving their horses stabled in Nikril, the adventurers made the journey by foot through rugged terrain to the town of Sedel and then upriver to an ancient pyramid devoted to a long-dead Copper Dragon. A pair of Hill Giants drove them to leap into the open shaft at its top and, after defeating a Gorgon in the caves below, they found Salabima petrified, but a nearby jar of magical ointment returned her to flesh.

The Dragonborn Druid thanked the heroes and took the egg so she could merge with it and hatch as a Copper Wyrmling whose lair this would be. There was a hidden hoard left over from the previous dragon and from it the now-draconic Salabima selected magical items to reward each of the adventurers.
Possession of the lair also gave Salabima dominion over the Galeb Duhr, a living boulder who guarded the entrance. Working together with the party, the Hill Giants were defeated and Salabima advised them to seek the wisdom of the Sphinx of Baxia for a solution to the Orc Menace. To reach the Isle of Cats, they would dive into the pyramid’s pool, itself an Aquaportal to the Elemental Plane of Water, and swim to a corresponding pool in Baxia, in effect a 30-foot shortcut that covered 2000 miles.