The Fortress – Part II
April 15, 2023
The Party
- Gilbert Fezziwig (Gnome Artificer) – Mark M.
- Maran Maraka (Half-Elf Bard) – Mark C.
- Nihl (Dragonborn Monk) – Kasey
- Rosetta Stone (Human Cleric) – NPC
- Villitch Von Velckha (Aasimar Paladin) – Ross
- Zabrina (Tiefling Warlock) – Natasha
The party rushed up the staircase to do their best against the enemy before they had any time to prepare. On the top of the fortress, they battled Garisul and two Elementals. The wizard had a large portal to a dark place opened and his sister, Neyata, had invisibly slipped past the party to go downstairs and let the army in. Even though they managed to kill Garisul, they didn’t stand a chance against the army and they took their chances jumping through the portal before it closed.

Beyond the portal was the sunless frozen realm of the Inverted World on Hyracanum’s underside, not far from the endless lava plains and volcanoes of the Molten Zone. They were met by a Succubus with a Red Slaad on a leash and she seemed to be expecting a party of adventurers sent by Garisul. Bluffing their way past her, she left them with directions to a square tower nearby where they were supposed to meet a wizard named Meddevin.

Villitch recognized the name: Lord Tarek Meddevin was a nobleman of Alamayne who lost his title when the theocracy ousted him from his home. He was rumoured to have had a tryst with an Elf maid resulting in twin Half-Elves and the heroes realized the wizard they were going to meet was the father of Garisul, whom they had just killed.
Lost in the Inverted World, the party had no choice but to follow that dangerous lead. Surprisingly, the wizard instantly took them into his confidence as he assumed they had been sent by his son to help him with a heist whose window of opportunity was rapidly closing. Supplied with a magic flying carpet and a hostage Magmin who would guide them to the proper chamber, the party were sent to infiltrate the Fortress of Fire while Meddevin distracted its master, the Pasha Efreet, so they could steal one of the fire genie’s most prized treasures: The Decahedron of the Realms!

The Decahedron could open portals to the seven moons of Hyracanum and the top and bottom sides of the disc as well as Astral Space. Once Zabrina pilfered it, the party used it to return to Hyracanum and the streets of Ludinium rather than meet Meddevin at the rendezvous point where they were meant to hand it over.